Become A Part Of Our Success!

It’s time to put your money to work. We are accepting investors for our WCP Fund I – investors benefit from secure, first-position loans that are originated and actively managed by the WCP Team.

What Does Investing In WCP Mean For You?

What Does Investing In WCP Mean For You?

A Proven Formula For Success

Accredited Investors earn 7% preferred returns, plus performance, on secured, first-position real estate loans. WCP funds only the best deals with the most solid clients – this stability comes from our team’s vast experience in vetting deals and assessing value. Our outstanding reputation and commitment to successful relationships allows us to pass over questionable deals and capitalize on the winners. Our strategy is simple, we maintain the highest standards, and in return, our investors enjoy healthy returns from a proven formula for success.

3 Steps To Invest:

1.  Contact us to discuss your investment goals

2.   Send us the following documents to set up your investment

Proof of Accreditation

Subscription Agreement

Your preferred method for transferring funds

3.   Transfer funds to WCP and begin collecting your preferred returns

WCP Fund I return for Q2 of 2022: 7.00%

WCP Fund I return for Q2 of 2022: 7.00%

Potential Investor Resources

Potential Investor Resources

Sample Letter of Accreditation

WCP Executive Summary

WCP Quarterly Newsletter

Let’s Discuss Your Investing Goals

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