Dec 3, 2015 | Hard Money Lending
When you’re trying to find a private lender, it’s important to know exactly what qualities you should look for. Here, we have broken down the top five qualities your private lender should possess in order to ensure that your transaction moves quickly and...
Nov 18, 2015 | Hard Money Lending
When it comes to searching for a hard money loan, you have two options: 1) you could go with a national lender with headquarters located in various areas across the nation, or 2) you could opt for a local lender based in your area. Do you know which option you would...
Oct 29, 2015 | Hard Money Lending
Have you considered working with a Hard Money Lender, but are a little leery of the process? First and foremost, in order to answer the questions you should expect from a hard money lender, you must fully understand your deal. If you know the specifics of the property...
Sep 15, 2015 | Hard Money Lending
One of the most popular questions we get is “Why hard money lending?” There are several ways to get loans, so what makes hard money lending the best option? Why not just go through my bank or have a friend loan the money? In this post, we’ll break down that question...